Weigh Feeder Belts
Let us use our 50 years of experience fabricating Weigh feeder belts. Hot vulcanized on side vanner edge to corrugated sidewall belts, RMA-GR-2 , Fire Resistant, Heat Resistant and MOR available

Sidewall North America Corrugated Belts
Sidewall is a growing leader in flexible corrugated high angle belt conveyors using the most state of the art hot vulcanizing machinery to date.

Magnetic Separator Belts / Eddy Current Belts
Custom manufactured replacement conveyor belts for all overhead and Eddy Current magnetic Separators.

Shot Blast & Tumble Belts
Replacement shot blast belts and pads available with standard and custom drain holes and cleats.

Cleated Conveyor Belts
Let us use our 50 years of experience fabricating custom cleated conveyor belts to meet your specific needs. Our hot vulcanized process permanently bonds the cleats to the belt with the proper design and height for the customer’s application.

Heavy Duty Conveyor Belting
Bi-State Rubber offers a full line of industrial rubber conveyor belting for all industries including power plants, cement manufacturing, steel mills, foundries, quarries, and paper mills throughout North America.

Elevator Conveyor Belting
Replacement elevator belting available in multi-ply and single ply rubber as well as PVC. All cover compounds and tension ratings available.

Conveyor Belt Cleaners and Skirting
Complete belt cleaning systems from Argonics as well as replacement blades and belt skirting available for all manufactures and applications.

Flue Expansion Joints
Full line on Polymeric and Teflon expansion joints. We can supply the expansion joint material, accumulation pillows and new flanges.

Spool / Pipe Expansion Joint
Rubber and metal expansion joint and connectors to help control vibration or thermal movement in piping systems.

Bi-State Rubber Airslide
Needled and woven airslide fabric for air gravity conveyors, live bottom silos, and aeration pads.

Material Handling Hose And Vacuum Hose Fittings
In stock and custom designed hose for all your material handling needs.
Latest News

Maintenance and Repair of Elevator Conveyor Belt : Best Practices

The Importance of Quality in Conveyor Belt Hoses

Belt It Out: Maintenance Tips for Weigh Feeder Belts for Longevity